On March 19, one of the largest testing fairs will take place in Zurich. We will be present with our own RapidRep booth and invite you to visit us. There you can check the capabilities of the current RapidRep Test Suite for yourself.
At 3:15 pm we will present on the topic "Model-based test automation of back-end systems."
Werner Märkl, business manager of FINARIS GmbH, in cooperation with Hans-Peter Möller, manager of the unit IT management Kredit & Konzernrisiko (credit & corporation risk) at the Deka Bank, published a professional article in German on the topic "Efficiency increase through model-based testing". The article shows how testing efforts may be decreased by up to 50 percent thanks to model-based testing. It is published in the renown professional journal "Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management" (business informatics & management) by Springer.
For further information (in German) and the option to read the article (also in German, poss. fee required), please follow the link: "Modellbasiertes Testen steigert die Effizienz" (located on www.springerprofessional.de).
Software Quality Days 2013, Vienna
At the Software Quality Days 2013, Werner Märkl, business manager of FINARIS GmbH, gave a lecture on the topic "Modellbasiertes Testen in der Datenverarbeitung" ("Model-based testing in data processing"): using the example of the RapidRep Test Suite, he explained the concept of model-based testing.
Its utility and benefit could already be shown with the RapidRep Test Suite in several projects. The highly automated test execution decreases costs and reduces the duration of each test cycle.
At the Innovate 2012, Kai Bächle, business manager of FINARIS GmbH, gave a lecture on the topic “Automated measuring and controlling of data quality” as part of the track “Strategic Project Steering”, and demonstrated a solution approach by means of a live show case.
Main topic was the development of a data quality management with DQ metrics and data quality monitoring based on an automation by use of the RapidRep Test Suite in interaction with the IBM Rational Quality Manager.
The final version of RapidRep 4.0 is available to our customers since the beginning of October.
The latest and most important features in brief:
the RapidRep Server architecture allows a highly efficient processing of numerous evaluations in a Cloud (SaaS)
the fully new Server Monitor application gives an overview of a running, pending and completed processing sequence
due to a new authentication system, the RapidRep Repository Manager allows adjusting single user rights individually and very flexible. From version 4.0 on, each LDAP compatible system can be used.
the RapidRep Test Runner for HP Quality Center supports so-called Test Steps